Client Testimonials
What specific results have you seen since participating in 1:1 coaching? It's great if you can share numerical results (weight loss, change in lab values, chances in digestion, energy levels, etc) or tangible results (discontinuing meds/supps), being able to move without pain, etc)
“My energy levels have improved and I feel more nourished. I don't feel fatigued as much anymore and I feel that I have more control over my day to day eating. I don't feel like I have to go to the gym to workout the next day if I over eat the day before or eat something unhealthy (which is huge). I cook more at home and eat out or order out less, which is also huge for me. I think I have maintained my weight but I feel like I am actually eating more, more of the right things and more to feel nourished vs. previously eating whatever and feeling bloated or fatigued”
How would you describe the transformation you've experienced since starting Kylee's 1:1 health coaching program?
“My understanding of nutrition and how it impacts your body and mind has totally changed. Kylee’s program for me focused on body recomposition, so reducing my caloric intake from fat and increasing my caloric intake from protein in order to promote muscle growth. Understanding how the body processes food and impacts your body composition was an ‘oh shit’ moment for me and gave me a clear understanding of why macros matter. This program really helped me rewire my brain and further taught me how to fuel myself.”
In your opinion, what makes Kylee's approach to health coaching effective and worth investing in?
“Working with Kylee was so easy! Upon registering for the program, Kylee provided me with a program overview packet. Soon after, we scheduled a first 1-1 session where we walked through my typical eating habits. After analyzing initial results, she curated custom macros and a fitness plan for me. On a bimonthly basis, Kylee and I had regular check ins to talk about what's working, what's not working, struggles, and so on. Through the fitness platform, Kylee was accessible around the clock to help coach me through workout questions, recipe suggestions, and so on. Knowing Kylee was there to hold me accountable on a regular basis really allowed me to lean into the process and through that I built a ton of self trust.”
Can you give examples of how 1:1 coaching positively impacted your lifestyle and daily habits?
“This program taught me the fundamentals of what and how I should be eating. During this program, Kylee taught me the tool of tracking my macros. After mastering this skill, I started to understand how to eat and what to eat. Now I can go about my daily life with the understanding of how to nourish my body without needing to track macros for success. By tracking macros, I developed a much better relationship with food. I previously had no control over my sugar intake, but learned that I can prioritize lean protein and still have a sweet treat if I wanted one. I really learned how to understand what my body wanted.”
How has 1:1 coaching helped you achieve your health and wellness goals?
“This programs helped me learn the fundamentals. After years and years of giving in to diet culture trends, I had a sour relationship with food. I knew what to put in my body, but my mind was not aligned. Signing up for this program aligned my mind and body to prioritize getting stronger. This program taught me not to demonize food to meet my goals, but rather how to eat to support my very active lifestyle.”
What specific changes have you noticed in your health and well-being since working with Kylee?
“In the first two weeks I lost a significant amount of bloat due to increased water consumption and better food choices. I lost 10 pounds simply by making better nutrition decisions with Kylee’s guidance. Towards the end of the program, I noticed my increased strength. My clothes fit better. It was clear both physically and by tracking my workouts that I was gaining significant strength.
Probably the most important transformation I made was rewiring my brain. I have had an unhealthy relationship with food for as long as I can remember. I had an all or nothing mindset - either I couldn't have ice cream or I had to have the entire pint. This program helped me understand that foods are not good or bad, rather understanding which foods help me reach my goals.”